This deck of 42 cards was created for the purpose of teaching children, and those seeking to learn, about some fundamental images of Kemetic language and culture. Each of the cards in this unique deck is easy to read with vibrant images, which helps guide the user towards a clear understanding and connection. Although it was designed with young children in mind, people of all ages will benefit from this carefully selected group of Kemetic symbols and deities. The concise descriptions, powerful affirmations, along with imagery of the Neteru (Gods/Goddesses) and Medu Neter (Hieroglyphics), provide a great way to discuss and embrace Kemetic culture.
* Cards are made with a heavy and durable card stock * Coated in a stunningly vibrant gloss, and have edges that are lined with a magnificent gold foil. *Size: A little larger than 4 x 5, *Perfect for little hands *For Children & Adults